CPC People

CPC People – Aurora Manzaro

Interview with the new HR Specialist and Sustainability Manager at CPC Inox

For the CPC People column, today we present Aurora Manzaro, the new colleague called into the company to strengthen the human resources area and closely follow all activities related to sustainability.


How long have you been working at CPC Inox?

I joined the company in October 2022

What were your first impressions? What impressed you about the company?

From the very first interview there was a strong sense of belonging to the company, interest and respect for its employees as well as a willingness to continue to improve.

You are in charge of HR: how much has the relationship with people changed today? What do they look for most in companies?

I believe that the mix of generations currently involved in the world of work, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, is an important factor to nurture, both because it allows us to bring different talents and stimuli into the company, and as a promotion of diversity & inclusion. It is also essential to take into account the professional needs and expectations of each individual group, in order to create a good working environment.

The importance of work-life balance

As is now well known, there has also been a strong post-pandemic reappraisal of the so-called work-life balance: workers are increasingly seeking a balance between their personal and professional lives, and therefore prefer companies that are attentive to the real needs of their employees. At CPC Inox, people have always represented a value to be preserved, and numerous initiatives have already been put in place to try to meet the most widespread needs of employees and their families.

What is the main challenge for companies in the HR field today?

Companies today are looking for young talent and specialised professionals, and the challenge is to build solid, ongoing relationships based on mutual satisfaction and trust. In this way, the aim is to reduce turnover and build professional growth paths.

What future projects are you working on?

Having recently joined the company, I am still in the phase of studying the ‘company population’. This is a fundamental step in analysing the areas of interest of each category and studying improvement activities. In terms of internal communication, we also want to pursue projects that allow us to initiate as engaging a conversation as possible with our employees, through new activities and formats. Last month we organised an event open to the whole company: it was a good moment to share values and projects.

In addition to the role of HR Specialist, you were also recently appointed Sustainability Manager, a role that is becoming increasingly common in companies. Would you like to tell us about it?

I am extremely honoured to have received this new position as the interest in the environment, perhaps thanks to the teaching I received as a child from my family, has always been present in my life. In my own small way, I gladly participate in events aimed at safeguarding the planet. For this reason, I can only be very happy with this career path, which in fact combines a personal interest as well.

CPC INOX’s commitment to sustainability

The commitment of CPC INOX on sustainability has been tangible since my first day in the company: there are several initiatives undertaken, from simple daily actions, which aim at making some good practices more and more common, such as separate waste collection, the introduction of water bottles, the reduction of plastic in packaging, up to larger projects, such as the collaboration with Enel X or Forestami and with other bodies active in the social field, from Briantea84 to Zero per Cento (to name a few).

We have also created the CPC Cares logo, dedicated entirely to environmental and social sustainability, which will make it possible to communicate in an immediate way all the initiatives that are carried out in these areas.


The topic of sustainability is much debated today. What makes the difference in order to be competitive?

Sustainability is not only an ethical issue, but also an objective and above all measurable approach for many companies. In recent months we have started working on the sustainability report together with Enel X. An activity that will help us return objective data attesting to the validity of our improvement measures and allow us to continue to be competitive with respect to what is required on the labour market today. We have to be concrete and credible.

What are your future projects in the field of sustainability?

In future projects, I would like to propose team-building activities that can personally involve the employee, such as participation in events to clean and upgrade a public environment or social solidarity activities. This, I believe, would continue to nurture in the employees a constant and real commitment to ESG activities, as well as increase the climate of corporate well-being. Helping the environment and others can only make people feel good after all!

Advice to job seekers today?

If it is true that studying and specialising is the basis for starting a career, my advice today is to be open at the same time to opportunities other than your own study plan, in order to have the chance to enter the logic of the labour market from a young age and to better evaluate what your career path really is.