Green packaging
Big news at CPC Inox, which is taking a new step towards environmental sustainability.
After announcing the three-year decarbonisation plan with Enel X and installing photovoltaic panels at the Gessate production plant, the Company has also worked to improve its packaging.
The project involves the gradual replacement of the materials used for product packaging with greener recyclable solutions.
It starts with the tags used internally to identify the coils, which will now be made entirely of 100% recycled paper. The printing colours are made of water-based dyes, 100% sustainable.
To give an idea of the volumes, we are talking about around 50,000 tags per year, which from now on will be identified with the words ‘printed on recycled paper’.
All the covers containing the tags have also been revised with a view to environmental efficiency: made of 100% recycled plastic and with micron-reduced plastic adhesive, they will be 100% recyclable.
In the short term, green solutions will also be implemented on other materials, such as paper tape, stretch film and bubble wrap, which, together with the tags, make up around 70% of the packaging.
Small but concrete steps that demonstrate the company’s real commitment to promoting a shared ethical culture with both colleagues and customers.